Friday, March 30, 2012

Tag...I'm it!

Yes, you have heard correctly, I have been tagged, and by my lovely friend, and fellow up-and-coming artist, Janet Forrest from Tattered’nWorn – Thank you so very much, Janet!!! I am just tickled pink!! ;-) In turn, I am going to “tag” some of you too, and hope that you will play along too! ;-)
The Rules
…you must post the rules
…answer 11 questions the tagger posted for you
…create 11 questions to ask the people you tag
…tag 11 people
…let them know you’ve tagged them
Here are the questions I was asked:

  1. What would be your ideal morning? Sitting with my sisters and mothers with freshly brewed Starbucks coffee and our choice of creamer and homemade crumb cake. Fresh cool breeze outside, windows opened and all of us around the table laughing and chatting it up.
  2. What is your favorite way to unwind? Pandora playing in the background, candles lit, sipping yummy coffee and reading a great book.
  3. When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? let's see.. a cop like in C.H.i.P.s, a teacher (WTH?! What was I thinking) or a veterinarian
  4. What was the scariest thing you did today? Ask someone for financial assistance
  5. If you were stranded on a desert island, what three things would you need to have with you? Fishing pole with all supplies, life time supply of matches or lighters and my besties
  6. Do you have an electronic gadget that you just cannot live without? What is it? Does our cell phone count?
  7. If you could have a maid come to your house for the rest of your life, but they would only ever do one chore – what chore would you have them do? Dust every inch of the house up and down
  8. If you boarded a jet in 10 minutes to go wherever in the world you wanted to go, where would you go? Italy
  9. If your best friend asked you to go get matching tattoos with her, right now, would you do it? If so, what would the tattoo be? ABSOLUTELY!  I would want a hummingbird
  10. If you and your best friend were to ever end up in jail for the night, what scenario would have caused the trouble? AKA, how would you have ended up there? We would have gotten to handsie with the gorgeous brothers out there at the night club and ended up in a cat fight with the chics there that didn't like it. LOL!
  11. If you had the choice to be reincarnated as a cat or a dog, which would you choose? Why? A kiki because they can lay around all day and no one complains about it. And if they chose to be active no one would complain about it. LOL!
Now, “Tag! You’re it!” I hope you’ll play!
These are the lovely ladies I’ve tagged! I hope you’ll visit them, whether they play or not!

  1. Christina Basso-Lenz
  2. Tajie Maxedon
  3. Cristal Overcash
  4. Brook Michalek
  5. Doe Daughtrey
  6. Kellee Johnston
  7. Andrea Price
  8. Lynette Nikkhah
  9. Bryhannon Natale
  10. Mattie Mills
  11. Camille Obert-Goralski
Here are my 11 questions for all of you…

1. What would be your ultimate vacation to where and with who and why?
2. With the $500m lottery looming over our heads right now... if you won... what would you do with your winnings?
3.  I liked this one... if you knew the end of the world was to

I hope you have fun playing!!! ;-)