Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Working Girl

Good Evening,

Well where do I begin. I have been so busy the past several days. Did a trip to Yuma on Friday with Victoria. Everyone was so happy to see V. We had a wonderful time with family. Came back on Sunday and ran errands. Was home in the evening time and got ready for my first day of work. Have been taking a hiatus from work since mid January.

So I have worked two days and like it well enough. I am very tired and catching myself falling asleep at work. Not good. And because my feet are not used to wearing these new shoes along with a lot of walking in them at work...my feet are in serious pain. The balls of my feet near the toes is stinging like mad! And when I lift them off the floor they actually feel like they have their own hearts. I need numbing creme! LOL!!!

And to top it off....I have serious swelling in my ankles and feet due to the sitting I am sure. I am even on meds for swelling. I just don't know what I am going to do with myself. I wish there was a way I could make money for my family but from my home. Then I would not be suffering so bad.

I may need to see about those work-at-home deals for data entry or something. We will see.

I have been doing pretty good on my new lifestyle when it comes to what I am putting in my mouth. I need to get even more water in my body though too. I get about 4 - 24 oz water bottles in me a day. Maybe one more.

Well, this will be short for right now. More to come. Peace and love to you all!

1 comment:

  1. Sis, I am just so proud of you! Keep up the good work! It will get easier - I AM SURE OF IT!!!

    I love, love, love you!!! ;-)
    ~Christina ;-)
